God Or Evolution?

Stop! Think for a moment! Which sounds more logical. Saying we evolved from apes or believe with all our hearts that God made us. Don't get me wrong or anything, science CAN be a good thing, but really come on, apes? It just don't sound real. Tell me this, if we evolved from apes, then why are the apes today not turning human? I mean you can't just do it one day and the next not...am I right? What exact proof do scientist have saying that evolution is true? What if I told you I can prove to you there is a God. Would you believe me? If you don't believe what the Bible says, why believe that any book is right? People write books, why is it so different that followers of Christ wrote one and it's worng? Don't make no since to me. I mean i'm no scientist, but I still don't see how scientist can prove evolution is true. Can you?
The truth is that God made us from his image and love. Now if you think that God hasn't done anything for you, or wasn't there when you needed him, read the background image... God said " I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." God can give you everything you can possibly need if you just ask him into your heart. You're not going to change over night, but you will feel the difference as soon as you open your heart up to God. All you need is a little faith.
Some people say faith is for weak people, but if you really look at the word faith, it is a huge word. You have to take a chance, people take them everyday, are you going to take the right chance? It's what I call "A chance of a lifetime" because it will change your life forever

Please don't get caught up in may or may not be science facts. Go With the TRUTH! You know God is there for you whenever you need him...You just got to remember that everything you need will happen all in good time. God Bless All Of You!


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please
 E-MAIL them to me. Thanks For Your Time! God Bless!




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